Mes amis,
Bonjour de Sénégal!
Luckily, an homme-d’affaires in the Auberge was kind enough to lend me his “fiche,” which is an adaptor suitable for the Sénégalese electrical infrastructure, thus I have only a few minutes to update you all.
I left Denver Thursday night at 11:45 MST (23h45 MST) to arrive in our nation’s capitol at roughly 5:30 AM EST (5h30 EST). I then caught an early flight (8:00 AM ou 8h) to Laguardia airport inNew York City. Then a bus transported me to John F. Kennedy airport where I remained until my flight to Sénégal. Sadly, with my luggage and bags, I didn’t think it wise to wander around the city, thus I stayed in the airport. The flight to Dakar departed at roughly 5:30 PM EST (17h30 EST) and arrived around 5:45 AM Dakar time (1:45 AM EST, 5h45 Dakar). The academic director met me at the airport and drove me to the Augerge Good Rade where SIT will have its orientation later tonight. The Sénégalese follow American politics very closely. All homes (or rather, those fortunate enough to have televisions) and hotels regularly watch CSPAN, MSNBC and CNN. I was quite pleasantly surprised to have a conversation in the car about McCain’s new running-mate. It is very interesting (and, without being too political, it is quite refreshing as well) to hear the foreign perspective on these matters.
This morning (it felt like morning, but really it was late afternoon) I woke to a visitor who brought potable water and walked with me to the restaurant. I checked me menu, and guess what? Well, lets suffice it to say that my next post might include something about the first meat I’ve eaten in years…mais c’est la vie.
En Sénégal il y a beaucoup d’humidité. Les arbres sont toujours verts. Il n’y a pas d’hiver comme aux Etats-Unix. Il pleut pour deux mois dans Aout et Septembre. Aujourd’hui il ne pleut pas mais hier et hier soir il y avais beaucoup de la pluie.
The Auberge is small but very luxurious. There is wireless internet access and all accommodations. My room is a triple, which I will be sharing with the two other boys in the program. We will stay here at the Auberge until Friday, at which time we are expected to meet our homestay families.
It is now time to return la fiche.
Bon soir de Dakar, good evening/afternoon.
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