Monday, September 1, 2008


Bon nuit!

Here in Dakar it is 5h. With all the excitement surrounding the arrival of the other students, its hard for anyone to fall asleep tonight. What a relief it has been to meet everyone else! I realize that we have yet to discover our differences, but the initial energy has been extremely positive. 
After everyone had put away their luggage, one of the Wolof-French teachers ordered pizza and we were 'oriented' about not drinking tap water, women not drinking/smoking in public, the taxi system, etc. Tomorrow, we are scheduled to go on an excursion through Dakar. As of now, I'm not sure what that entails; I suspect that they (SIT staff) will drop us off with a scavenger-hunt-spirited search of the city. I can only think to myself, "Please let my French be functional, please let my French be functional." 
French-speaking skill levels among the students varies. Some are fluent, some speak only a little French. Of course none of us speaks Wolof. I've picked up one phrase, though: Nanga def (pronounced with a hard g) is like saying hello.
More to come
Love, Ryan